
Medication Safety for Seniors

— The medications we take help us manage a variety of health conditions that become more common as we grow older, such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and sleep problems. Yet we might take so many medications that managing them is a health problem itself! Our bodies process substances differently as... Read More

Smart Lifestyle Habits for a Healthier Heart

— Most of us know that we can take “heart smart” steps to promote cardiac wellness. But sometimes, even the researchers are amazed at what a difference these lifestyle choices can make. The American College of Cardiology reported on a study, this one on a group of over 20,000 healthy Swedish men aged 45 – 79.... Read More

Salt: Myth vs. Fact

— It’s important to know the facts about salt, the most frequently used seasoning in American diets. Sodium chloride, the chemical term for salt, is an important substance that our bodies need. But too much salt can put our health at risk. “Salt-savvy” consumers should be aware of some common beliefs about sodium that can stand... Read More

Safe Winter Fitness

— The holidays are over, and many of us enjoyed indulging in delicious treats and spending quality time with loved ones. It’s also common to take a break from regular routines, including exercise, during this busy season. Now is the perfect time to refocus on staying active and feeling our best as we move into the... Read More

Three Wellness Resolutions for Seniors and Caregivers

— This is the time of year when we take stock of the previous year and make note of changes we’d like to make in our lives. Maybe your list of resolutions includes ways to improve your financial health, such as saving more and spending less. Maybe you’d like to improve yourself in other ways—volunteering more,... Read More

Swap Your Camera for a Pen to Capture Memories That Last

— These days, more and more people have a smartphone—and most of those phones come equipped with a camera. It’s become our impulse to whip out our phone or digital camera to take a photo of anything interesting we see. But a number of experts say that relying on our devices to do all the remembering... Read More

Effective Communication at the Doctor’s Office

— How well do you and your doctor communicate? It’s an important question because a positive relationship with your doctor is essential when it comes to getting good health care. Many people, both doctors and patients, feel that the fast pace of health care visits today leaves little time for asking questions or really getting to... Read More

Talking Turkey About Advance Care Planning

— The holiday season is upon us! We gather to cheer for our football team, dive into our favorite foods, find bargains for our gift lists and spend extra time with our loved ones. It’s also the perfect time to share our advance care planning decisions and end-of-life preferences. Why? Because everyone around the table will... Read More

Don’t Fall Victim to Disaster Scammers

— Steve saw Mom at her computer with her credit card out. “What are you doing?” he asked. Mom had a sad look on her face. “I’m making a donation to a charity that’s helping people affected by the flooding in Florida,” she said. Steve looked at the email Mom had received; the sender had a... Read More

Practicing Mindfulness

— You’ve probably heard about practicing mindfulness before but what exactly does it mean? In short, mindfulness means that you’re focusing on being rooted in the present moment. It sounds simple enough. But just like any skill, learning to be mindful takes practice and patience.   Purpose of Mindfulness Overall, the idea behind mindfulness is being... Read More
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